All of our dogs live with us or in Guardian Homes. We only use outside studs from reputable breeders that do genetic and OFA testing.
Koa comes from Keira and Ridge's first litter. He is intelligent, sweet, loving, calm and loyal. He has wonderful structure, a great bite, and an amazing temperament. He is available for stud service and is fully proven. Koa has a hidden S-Locus that produces gorgeous a white markings, blaze aka tuxedos, and will produce Parti with a female Parti carrier. Koa lives with his family in Phoenix, AZ.
Multigen Mini Goldendoodle
28% Golden Retriever
Weight: 27 lbs | DOB: 4/30/2022
Embark, Canine Health Check: Carries 1 CDDY, Strong FF
Penn Hips: R-.37, L-.31
OFA: Prelim Hips (Good), Elbows-Clear, Patellas-Clear, Eyes-Clear. Cardiac-Clear
ee, KbKb, atat, BB, SS, FF, +/- for curl
8/10 Intermediate Red
Available to approved programs for outside stud service - $1250.00. Dual Sire with Astro and Koa available for $1400.00. Now available with no restrictions.
Astro comes from Keira and Ridge's first litter. He is smart, confident, friendly and is our heart dog. He has completed his Canine Good Citizen training and is titled by AKC partners. He has a wonderful structure, great bite, and amazing temperament. Astro is a proven stud and throws great white markings, full blaze aka tuxedos, deep red colors, and luxurious coats. Astro lives onsite at Deer Valley Doodles.
Multigen Mini Goldendoodle
29.2% Golden Retriever, 53.6% Small Poodle, 17.2% Standard Poodle
Weight: 27 lbs | DOB: 4/30/2022
Embark, Canine Health Check and Paw Print Genetics: Carries 1 CDDY, Strong FF
Penn Hips: R-.44 L-.38
OFA: Hips-Fair, Elbows-Clear, Patellas-Clear, Eyes-Clear, Cardiac-Clear
ee, Kbky, atat, Bb, SS, FF, +/-, 9/10 Intense Red.
Available to approved programs for outside stud service - $1250.00. Dual Sire with Astro and Koa available for $1400.00. Now available with no restrictions.
Sterling Von Goldendoodle is a F1b miniature Goldendoodle from Chloe and Elvis's last litter together. He is a very smart and has a sweet disposition. He has a thick and soft dark red coat with low shedding genes. Sterling lives with a Guardian Family.
Red F1b Miniature Goldendoodle
23.7% Golden Retriever, 50% Small Poodle, 26.3% Standard Poodle
Adult Weight: 26lbs
DOB: 10/21/2020
Health Testing: Embark CLEAR including CDDY/IVDD.
OFA: Hips-Good, Elbows-Clear, Patellas-Clear, Cardiac-Clear, Eyes-Clear
Penn Hips 0.33 and 0.41
ee, Kbky, atat, DD, BB, Fic, TT, CC, TT (++),
7/10 Intermediate Red with MFSD12-red/red
Available to approved programs for outside stud service - $750.00.
Missy is a Multigen Mini Goldendoodle and she weighs 22 lbs. She has a soft and wavy coat, dark red coloring with adorable white markings in the highly coveted tuxedo pattern. She loves to play and never turns down a great cuddle session. Missy lives with a Guardian Family.
Red Multi-Gen Goldendoodle
24.4% Golden Retriever
18.4% Standard Poodle
57.2% Small Poodle
Weight: 22 lbs
DOB: 11/05/2022
Carries 1 CDDY, 1 DM
OFA: Hips- Fair, Elbows-Clear, Cardiac-Clear. Patellas-Clear, Eyes-Clear
ee, Kbky, atat, Bb, SS, FF, CC, +/-,
8/10 Intermediate Red
Nala is a Mini Poodle, she weighs 21 lbs. She loves to cuddle and gives the biggest kisses! When you hold her, she melts into you and nestles her head under your chin. She's got us all wrapped around her little paw! Nala lives with a Guardian Family.
Red AKC Miniature Poodle
62.2% Small Poodle
37.8% Standard Poodle
Weight: 21 lbs
DOB: 10/24/2022
Embark: Genetically Clear
OFA: Waiting for results
ee, kyky, atat, Bb, Ssp, FF, CT, +/+,
7/10 Intermediate Red
Kiara is our petite Goldendoodle momma. She is tiny for being a first generation goldendoodle. She is energetic and kind. Her favorite hobbies include, playing with new toys, playing with her doggy friends, going for long walks and training with her family. Kiara will be trained as a service animal after retirement. Kiara lives with a Guardian Family.
Red F1 Petite Goldendoodle
50% Golden Retriever, 50% Small Poodle
Weight: 14lbs | DOB: 12/01/2021
Embark: Carries 1 CDDY
Penn Hips: R-.52, L-.54
OFA: Cardiac-Clear, Patellas-Clear
ee, Kbky, atat, BB, SS, Fic, CT, +/-,
6/10 Intermediate Red
Tess is a F1 Miniature Goldendoodle, she weighs 26lbs. Tess is from a English Cream Golden Retriever line. She is highly intelligent, has a sweet demeanor, loving temperament and human focused. She has completed her AKC Canine Good Citizen Award testing. Tess lives with a Guardian Family.
F1 Miniature Goldendoodle
Weight: 23lbs | DOB: 11/19/2021
Embark Vet: 1 Variant ICH1
Penn Hips: R-.37, L-.40
OFA: Prelim Elbows-Clear, Patellas-Clear, Cardiac-Clear, Eyes-Clear
ee, Kbky, atat, BB, SS, Fic, +/-,
6/10 Intermediate Red
Mayple is an F1 Miniature Goldendoodle. She is a sweet and mellow girl. Our trainers rave about the temperaments her puppies will produce. She will be doing one on one training and then will proceed to her AKC Canine Good Citizen Training. She lives in Phoenix in a Guardian Home.
F1 Miniature Goldendoodle
Weight: 23lbs | DOB: 07/11/2022
Embark Vet: 1 Copy CDDY, 1 Copy DCM1
OFA: Hips-Fair, Elbows-Clear, Cardiac-Clear, Eyes-Clear
ee, Kbky, atat, BB, SS, Fic, +/-,
6/10 Intermediate Red Intensity